Saturday, 24 November 2012


Everyone’s weight fluctuates a bit and you should prepare for this (once you’ve reached a healthy weight). Have a ‘sliding scale’ in your mind of a couple of pounds on either side of your target weight. No one can live for long under a self-imposed, too harsh dictatorship.

Are you at a loss on how to maintain a steady body weight? Or are you being made jest of by friends and family iver your body weight?

Th truth is that you can control your body weight and you have the opportunity at your inger tips right now.

Let me introduce to you the most easy to use information to loose weight today. The Ebook is titled: 'HOW TO LOOSE WEIGHT GRACEFULLY'

Do you want to get your body back to its beautiful shape or you want to maintain that beautiful shape of yours?
Well if your answer to all the question above is YES, then let me introduce to you the most comprehensive yet simple guide to help you get your body back!!
It a book the delivers the following:
  • Betterment in cardiovascular fitness
  • Physical activities that you need to perform to improve your body.
  • Basic Exercises
  • How a healthy lifestyle will improve your weight loss program
  • How to keep going and ensure you do not derail from your plan etc

Well, you would only pay N4,500. Yes, N4, 500 to get this book titled: "How to Loose Weight Gracefully" that would greatly transform you.

To get your copy now, follow the instructions below:

Pay N4, 500 into Gauranty Trust Bank:
Account Name: Sogbanmu Dehinde
Account Number: 0011595792

I’m 99% certain you’re going to love this Ebook product, and that’s one reason why my current return rate is so low. I want to make sure that you’re 100% happy with me, the product and your purchasing experience which is why I always offer a full, no fuss money back guarantee if it turns out it’s not for you for whatever reason.

Warm Regards

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Obtain your MSC abroad with ease.

Have you been looking for a way to further your education abroad, get your Masters and all you have been meeting was obstacles and more obstacles?

Well the solution to all your educational worries is here. HigherStudy Nigeria is an educational consulting firm with affiliation with over 500 universities and we assist prospective students secure admission to study abroad.

The basic requirements needed to study abroad for MBA are listed below:

    O - Level to Bsc credentials (which must be certified)
    Letter of reference from your university, place of work (if you are working)
    Academic transcript must be sent from  your university to the school you intend study.
    Passport Photograph
    International Passport
    Birth Certificate
    Statement of Purpose / Letter of Intent
    Proficiency Test Result
    Application fee (optional)

You also get free consultation from HigherStudy for any visit you make. Visit us at 59a, Ogudu road, Ogudu GRA, Ogudu, Lagos Nigeria.

Call/SMS: 08055382421

Looking forward to seeing you.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Stay Focused on Getting Slimmer and Staying that Way!!

"I’m going to be a fat blob on my wedding day!” The voice on the other end of the phone was desperate. “Can you help me?”

So Kemi came to see me. “It’s always the same,” she told me. “I’m motivated for a few days and lose weight, and then something happens. I gain everything – and more – back again! My wedding’s in three months! That should be motivation enough, but lately my weight’s been even more all over the place!”

Kemi was right. Weight loss motivation is easy…at first. Rapid progress, compliments, wearing outfits you really want to, feeling more attractive, having more energy. All this positive feedback is motivating, captivating. Yet this weight loss ‘honeymoon period’ inevitably wanes. And then it can get tough.

You really need to focus on trying to loose that weight. Get yourself a regimen that you would dutifully follow.

Remember it is all about you and your beautiful body

(Picture :

Friday, 16 November 2012


Money cometh gladly and in increasing quantity to any man who will put by not less than one-tenth of his earnings to create an estate for his future and that of his family.


Very simple indeed! You have worked for the month or you are a trader, business man etc. The first law of money is to ensure that you save one – tenth of whatever you earn for yourself.
You might earn just N10, 000 ($100) per month and it is just not enough to save from. It’s not true. List out all your expenses per month and you would discover that there are some unnecessary purchases that you can do away with.

No matter the amount of money you earn you can save   one – tenth of that amount.

Your present expenses might include the following:
            Pay for DSTV (Premium – N10, 000)
·         Shop @ the Mall every Friday
·         Take friends out on a weekly basis
·         Buy recharge credit etc

The list goes on and on depending on the individual. But looking at this list above you can actually reduce that cost without changing your life style.

Look at a new list below:
       Pay for DSTV (Compact – N4500)
·         Shop @ the Mall every two weeks
·         Take friends out weekly – bill is shared
·         Get good offers to reduce call  rates

When you look at the two lifestyles above you would discover that the second one is what you would get after going through your expenses and adjusting it. You would have reduced your expenses and also have the ability to save a minimum of one –tenth of your earnings. It’s not easy though but you can surely achieve it.

So take a look at your earning and expenditure today, you might just be spending that amount you need to save for your future.

Download the 5 LAWS of MONEY at :

Thursday, 15 November 2012

How to handle a Cheating Partner!

CNN found that Hillary Clinton is the most admired woman in America. Women admire her because she's strong and successful. Men admire her because she allows her husband to cheat and get away with it.
Jay Leno (source

You might be thinking that you are the only one going through a tough time. You just found out your partner is seeing someone else.

The way you handle it really matters. Look at the matured way Hillary Clinton handled her husband’s cheating saga and came out stronger. She is better off today.

It is worth trying out.

Cheers and don’t be a cheater!

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Nigerian Politician Olusola Saraki Is Dead

Dr. Olusola Saraki, popular Nigerian politician and second republic senator poplularly known as the "strongman of Kwara politics" has died at the age of 79.

Dr. Saraki died in his sleep at his Camera road home in Ikoyi Lagos according to family sources.

Dr. Saraki  will be buried today in Ilorin at 4pm Nigerian time according to Muslim rites.

Seven Laws of Money!!

The following laws were published in 1977 in 'Seven laws of Money' by Mike Phillips. Mike, a Bank of America banker, was instrumental in developing Master Charge.

1. Do it! Money will come when you are doing the right thing. The first law is the hardest for most people to accept and is the source of the most distress. The clearest translation of this in terms of personal advice is "go ahead and do what you want to do." Worry about your ability to do it and competence to do it, but certainly do not worry about the money.

2. Money has its own rules: records, budgets, savings, borrowing. The rules of money are probably Ben Franklin-type rules, such as never squander it, don't be a spendthrift, be very careful, you have to account for what you're doing, you must keep track of it, and you can never ignore what happens to money.

3. Money is a dream - a fantasy as alluring as the Pied Piper. Money is very much a state of mind. It's much like the states of consciousness that you see on an acid trip... It is fantasy in itself, purely a dream. People who go after it as though it were real and tangible, say a person who is trying to earn a hundred- thousand dollars, orient their lives and end up in such a way as to have been significantly changed simply to have reached that goal. They become part of that object and since the object is a dream ( a mirage) they become quite different from what they set out to be.

4. Money is a nightmare - in jail, robbery, fears of poverty. I am not expressing a moral judgment. I am making very clear something that many people aren't conscious of: among the people we punish, the people we have to take out of society, 80% or more are people who are unable to deal with money. Money is also a nightmare when looked at from the opposite perspective - from the point of view of people who have inherited a lot of money. The western dream is to have a lot of money, and then you can lead a life of leisure and happiness. Nothing in my experience could be further from the truth.

5. You can never give money away. Looked at over a period of time, money flows in certain channels, like electricity through wires. The wires define the relationship, and the flow is the significant thing to look at. The fifth law of money suggests that by looking at the gift in a larger or longer-term perspective, we will see that it is part of a two-way flow.

6. You can never really receive money as a gift. Money is either borrowed or lent or possibly invested. It is never given or received without those concepts implicit in it. Giving money requires some payment; if it's not repaid the nightmare elements enter into it. A gift of money is really a contract; it's really a repayable loan, and it requires performance and an accounting of performance that is satisfactory to the giver.

7. There are worlds without money. They are the worlds of art, poetry, music, dance, sex, etc. the essentials of human life. The seventh law is like a star that is your guide. You know that you cannot live on the star; it is not physically a part of your life, but rather an aid to orientation. You are not going to reach this star, but in some sense neither are you going to reach your destination without it to guide you.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Get your beautiful body back!

At it's most basic, losing weight is about burning more calories than you eat. That seems simple enough, but if were really that simple, none of us would have a weight problem.

Too often we take drastic measures to see results -- diets, pills or those weird fitness gadgets on infomercials that promise instant success. Maybe you lose weight but what happens when you go off that diet or stop that crazy workout program? You gain it all back and more.

The real secret to weight loss is to make small, lasting changes. The key is to forget about instant results and settle in for the long run.
Remember it is all about you and your beautiful body


Have you ever been in a position where the person in your life that you love is practically loving another with little or no concern for you?

If you have been you would realize that it’s a very painful situation and it might lead to psychological trauma for the affected person.

One of the major causes of infidelity is lack of interest in your partner.

Cheers and don’t be a cheater!

Download your COPY NOW on How to Study Abroad for FREE!

How are you doing today?

Well, I am sure you have downloaded your copy of my free report on ‘HOW TO STUDY ABROAD FOR FREE!!’. If not you can still get it below:


Well, paying for school is really not easy and at times parents spend all their savings just to see their wards through school by paying for accommodation, transportation, clothes, books and TUITION.

Do you know that once you have paid tuition, you have peace of mind?

Well, free tuition is available for ALL!!

See you next time!!
