Thursday, 3 December 2015

Rejected Again! 5 Reasons You Are Not Getting Your Dream Job

Have you been attending loads of job interviews but you are not getting any job offers? Do you dread the next email or phone call that may come in just because it might be another rejection mail/call? Or hiring managers are so unfair that they intentionally rule you out from that position of chemist, CAD engineer, IT Manager, electrical engineer or Head of Security. 

Truth be told, you are most likely the problem if you are getting rejected job after job that you are qualified for. The job of Recruiters and Hiring Managers is to fill vacancies with highly qualified people because they are not paid to reject anyone.

Take a step back and reflect on why you have not been getting invited back. If you are sincere with yourself you would probably note that its more with the way you present yourself which is not surprising because job interviews are not a daily routine. you would need to review you interview process the same way you would criticize you on the job performance.

Here are five reasons you have not been getting job offers: 

1. You’re just not qualified. 

Yes, you are not qualified for the job. You improve your chances of getting a job by applying for every jobs you see, but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, you would just nit fit into the job. You could also have overstated your qualifications on your resume. This would be noticed when you go for an interview and it would be obvious that you lack the experience and skills required to fit into the position. Lesson to note here is that you should not set yourself up for failure by putting in for jobs that are clearly outside your level of expertise. 

2. You weren't ready for the interview.

Oops. You already knew you were going for an interview but mentally you just was not ready to be questioned by the interviewer. It might also be that you arrived late or you were dressed inappropriately. Texting during the discussions is a big no no and bad mouthing your former colleagues or your former boss is a sign of intolerance which you should have under control during an interview.

You can resolve this be preparing yourself with a friend as the interviewer to help settle your nerves. Also know the standard questions and their answers. Having examples of your pass accomplishments to discuss would demonstrate your ability on the job.

3. They hired internally

What!!!@ Why was a job ad placed? Why call people in for aptitude tests? Why make people go through interviews if they were going to hire internally. Well it might just be that of all of the people they interviewed none was a good as the guy in the office. There's really nothing you can do about this and you need to get over it and move on fast. You could vent over it with some friends though!!

4. Your references didn't give their support

This is an important step in the hiring process and if you have anyone as your reference without informing them first, it might as well be the end of your job hunt. Always ensure you stay in touch with your references so they have your most current contact information and can back you up whenever they receive calls from employer(s).

 5.  Inability to sell yourself

Your major responsibility during an interview is to sell yourself and it includes blowing your own horn. As loud as you possibly can. Even if you have not done much in the past, list whatever you have achieved and let it be known. Also note that its good to put a call through after three days to reinforce your interest in the job.

In conclusion, you may not be getting job offers as much as you want but its your responsitility  to make sure that you continuously avoid anything that can prevent you from moving on from the interview stage to the job stage. 

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